Residential Property Lawyers
Residential Property Law, also commonly known as Conveyancing, is the legal transfer of property from one entity to another.
When a Buyer and Seller enter into a Contract, they require the services of an experienced lawyer or conveyancing paralegal to attend to this legal procedure. We encourage parties to a transaction to seek legal advice prior to signing a Contact to ensure that all required conditions are included into the Contract.
Buying and selling property can be an emotional time and there is much to do in a very short period of time, usually 30 days. We strongly suggest that you seek the services of a professional conveyancing paralegal, as we have at Porta Lawyers, to assist you with your property or commercial transaction.

Conveyancing & Residential Property Legal Services
Porta Lawyers offers both residential and commercial conveyancing services.
We can assist you in buying or selling a property, undertaking searches, explaining all processes, keeping you informed of your matter’s progress, attending to your work promptly and efficiently and ensuring that your settlement occurs with ease.
Please feel free to provide our details to your nominated Real Estate Agent as we would be pleased to assist you.
If you require any assistance prior to signing a Contract, please phone our office on Tel: (07) 3265 3888.
Building Units & Group Titles
The sale and purchase of Units, whether existing or “off the plan” is another area covered by our Conveyancing Department. We are able to assist with your proposed sale or purchase of a Unit.
Should you wish to obtain a full Body Corporate search prior to proceeding with a purchase, please feel free to telephone our office to discuss this option.
It is important to know if an Easement is located on a property you are considering purchasing. An Easement may either burden or benefit the land. We will undertake a property search to determine whether there is an Easement affecting the property.
An Easement may be in place if a section of land is required as a right of way; for example, access to a property such as a driveway, or an area where utilities run underground.
Should you be undertaking a subdivision and require an Easement to be registered against a property, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.
Contact us today to find out more information on easements and how they can impact you.