Litigation Lawyers in Brisbane
Porta Lawyers provide a wide range of legal services for Commercial Litigation. Our solicitors specialise in Commercial Litigation and will work with you to get the best possible commercial outcome for you.
Our experience areas include Contract Disputes, Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Debt Recovery, Defamation, Building & Construction Disputes and Employment issues.

Litigation Legal Services
Contract Disputes
There are many different types of Contracts that are created between various parties. This can ultimately lead to misinterpretation of clauses, failing to abide by obligations and breaches of Contract.
As such, engaging legal expertise is required to navigate Contract disputes that arise. Contact us today on Tel: (07) 3265 3888 for any assistance relating to a Contract dispute.
Landlord / Tenant Disputes
A Landlord and Tenant relationship can sometimes be difficult to navigate. Porta Lawyers acts for both Landlords and Tenants and can assist you if an issue arises.
Should you feel that a party is in breach of their duty under a Lease or Tenancy Agreement, please contact us for advice. In some situations negotiations may be the best way forward to ensure an amenable continued business relationship.
Bankruptcy & Insolvency
Bankruptcy is a legal process whereby a person declares that they are no longer able to pay their debts. Bankruptcy may be voluntary or involuntary and a Trustee is appointed to administer your affairs.
An insolvent company is one that is no longer able to pay their debts and therefore must cease trading.
Filing for bankruptcy or company insolvency is difficult and emotional. We recommend that you contact us on Tel: (07) 3265 3888 so that we may assist you and provide legal advice.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
In many cases, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an appropriate means of resolving a dispute.
One of the main ways of ADR is through mediation. An independent third party, known as a Mediator, assists the parties to resolve their dispute/issues in order to avoid the matter proceeding to Court.
Parties can request Alternative Dispute Resolution at any time, to alleviate the time and expensive incurred by taking a matter to a full Court hearing. Even if a matter proceeds to Court, some form of Alternative Dispute Resolution is required.
It is imperative that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible in order for your legal experts to begin preparation on your matter.
Debt Recovery
Unfortunately, bad debtors arise in both a business and personal capacity. Consumers who are legally bound to repay money owed may be in breach of contract. Legal assistance is often required to recover funds or materials.
If your current debt recovery process has been unsuccessful, contact us for assistance. We can advise you of the various avenues available to you.
Please contact us on Tel: (07) 3265 3888 if you require any assistance with debt recovery.